Found Family Week & Author Interview

It’s Found Family Week over at I Heart SapphFic, and that is a trope near and dear to my heart. If you look at my favorite television shows, they’re usually ensembles that fall into Found Family territory. (Star Trek: Voyager and Stargate SG1 spring to mind.) There are a lot of great titles there and clicking IHS’s link to amazon helps support the site, so it’s a win-win.

I have to say that February is my least favorite month. I’m sorry if this month is your month, but I never look forward to it and it’s the worst month to slap an extra day onto if you ask me. Part of it is that the sheen of the new year has well and truly worn off and now we’re just slogging through days as usual. Partly it’s an echo of a harder time in my life, where a whole bunch of family obligations always fell into February and I dreaded it. I don’t have to do that stuff anymore, but the memory of it is enough to sour the month for all time.

And this February, we’re living through a bathroom remodel, so that’s been challenging. Honestly, it could be a lot worse. We have two bathrooms, so it’s not impossible, just more annoying. We’ve gotten through the worst of it and the tile is going in now, which means it actually looks like a bathroom again, so I suspect March will blossom into something better as always it does.

But until then, I do have one more February day to survive.

Having a new book out has certainly helped! My beloved friend Amy sent me a picture of her copy that she was starting today, and that was quite cheerful. I’ve gotten some lovely reviews lately on both Two is a Pattern and Honey in the Marrow, both of which are in KU right now. And I’m nearly 19,000 words into a new draft of a book which is not a TON but enough progress to feel like progress.

And today is a beautiful, sunny 63 degree California day. All in all, not too shabby.

See you in March.

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