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Honey in the Marrow is out!

You can purchase the ebook today!

I will admit, that I’ve been a little anxious all week. I think the realization that people I know in real life are going to read the very spicy love scenes and then try to talk to me again later. Like, not even about the book, just about anything. But I’ll know that they read them. I’ll always know.

I don’t have a problem with explicit love scenes in books, obviously, and it’s a big part of why people (it’s me, I’m people) like to read romance novels (and fanfic) anyway. But it’s just different when it’s people that you know from like your JOB or your friends that you inherited when you started dating your partner, or just those people that are in your life but not centered in your life. I will write the dirtiest thing for one thousand strangers on the internet and be completely chill, but I never have to look those people in the EYE.

Okay, that part of the rant is over. I’m gonna get over it, I know.

I’m also supposed to get edits back for book two soon and that always makes me anxious. I could know for a fact that it’s nothing but gushing praise in the margins of that manuscript and I’d still feel anxious about it. It’s never as bad as I fear anyway, and it always makes the book better in the end but just knowing there’s a lot of work right on the horizon is a little stressful.

This book has been a really different experience from the last book and I don’t know why that surprised me because they’re totally different books, but it did. I’m a librarian and I see a lot of books float past me every day and I used to say, oh I should just write a romance novel under a pen name, like how hard could it be? A LITTLE BIT HARD, turns out, but I’m still glad I did it. I’m glad I’m riding this ride. Let’s go around again.

I feel like this whole week is Honey in the Marrow‘s birthday because the ebook came out today and the paperback comes out October 12, so it’s a party all week long. If you read it, please feel free to rate it on Goodreads (or Amazon, after next week) and maybe leave a cheeky little review. I feel very blessed that the reviews so far have been SO positive. Even the 3 or 4 star ones have been like, “It’s well written, but not for me.” Which you know what? Is completely fair and reasonable and I appreciate that they gave it a try. It’s about grief and hope and love and family and trauma and therapy and that isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I appreciate people realizing that and not saying that it’s bad. Reviews help authors, so thank you to the people who received ARCs and reviewed it all ready and thank you to those who bought the ebook and to those of you waiting for the paperback, your time is coming!!

Happy birthday, Honey in the Marrow. Welcome to the world.

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